
Exciting news on Government Grants for City Garage!

We’re very excited to share great news with you about new government grants for City Garage—for a total of $25,900! But they are also matching grants. That’s where we look to you, our kind and loyal audience. Like all non-profit theaters, large and small, we could never meet our expenses through box office alone. We depend on grants like these and on generous contributions from patrons like you to match them. Help us raise this $25,900 by your donation, large or small. Any amount helps! And thanks to the generosity of two of our dearest patrons, Michele and Curt Wittig, we are already $750 on our way! Won’t you join them and help us make this goal by the end of the year? Merci in advance!

Eugene O’Neill’s “Hughie” is now Playing!

We had a very exciting opening of “Hughie” this last weekend. It was so nice to see so many of you there. If you haven’t yet made your reservations to come see it do it today. Don’t miss this wonderful, moving play, by one of America’s greatest playwright, Eugene O’Neill.

Hughie Tickets

About the Play

Hughie, one of Eugene O’Neill’s last works, takes place in a seedy New York hotel lobby at 3:00am on a hot night in the summer of 1928. Erie Smith, a small-time gambler, down on his luck and at the end of his rope, shows up after a three-day bender, brought on by the death of “Hughie,” a night clerk at the hotel and always a willing listener to Erie’s yarns of his life’s imaginary successes. But Hughie is gone now, and Erie has only his dull, disinterested replacement to listen to him as he tries to boast and lie his way through his grief, loneliness, and despair. Only now, with Hughie dead, a guy he always considered a dope and a sucker, does he realize the desolate emptiness of his life. in this powerful, haunting piece, as in The Iceman Cometh, O’Neill draws a heartbreaking portrait of longing and loss, of the loneliness of the human condition, and the desperate hunger to overcome it.

Merci, and see you at City Garage!