Bounds / I Want a Country


“Bounds” and “I Want a Country” starting February 6th!

City Garage is proud to present the west coast premieres of two plays dealing with displaced people. Though one play is from Sicily, the other from Greece, both speak to not just the worldwide crisis of unwanted refugees and vilified immigrants, but to the hunger, here as elsewhere, for a more just, humane, and compassionate society. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, these two plays are a profound reflection of what we feel in our hearts. They two will run in repertory, with “Bounds” on Thursdays and Fridays, and “I Want a Country” on Saturdays and Sundays.

“Bounds” by Tino Caspanello

Translated by Haun Saussy

February 6 – March 14, 2025; Thursdays, Fridays 8:00pm

Five women are stranded on a beach in an unknown country. They might be displaced persons, refugees, unhoused, undocumented immigrants. What we do know is that they are unwanted. They pass the time by playing games and singing songs, they fantasize about belonging, and they compete. One of them, they know, will be selected. But who will that be? While they wait, bonds are created, ties of affection. “Bounds” is a story about us, about the truths we take for granted, and about a society unable to exist without bonds. It is also about “the others,” about those to whom we open our doors—or refuse. It is a story about cages, violence, dreams, a story that reflects our time, a time when we struggle with the rules, obligations, and prejudices that keep us from looking in the eyes of our neighbors.

“I Want a Country” by Andreas Flourakis

Translated by Eleni Drivas

February 8 – March 16, 2925; Saturdays 8:00pm, Sundays 4:00pm

A group of people huddle in the darkness, clutching suitcases and umbrellas. They have lost their country. Where did it go? They wander in search of a new one. They complain, argue, debate, talk about what makes a place feel like home. Together, they imagine what the country of their dreams would be like: a place where they could find peace, justice, and kindness at last. Though written by Flourakis about the Greek financial crisis of the early 2010s, this haunting and poetic text speaks just as powerfully to our own political moment here in the United States where so many long to replace division and enmity with connection and understanding.

Links for Tickets:


“I Want a Country”

We Matched Our Grants!

Thanks to you, our wonderful audience and supporters, we matched our new grants from the county and the state. Not only that, we actually exceeded it. We needed $25,900 but thanks to the generosity of so many of you, we actually raised $26,495! That’s a huge accomplishment and it’s all because of you!

Our great thanks to:

Ruth Flinkman Marandy & Ben Marandy
Michele & Curt Wittig
William R. Gray Jr
Andrea Baker
Jennifer Ferro
Jay Bevan
Michael Intriere
Alexandria Gray
Shelly Martinez
Lisa & Bill Gray
Holly Dunnigan
Martha Duncan
Lindsie Carlsen
Tom Laskey
Justin Davanzo
The Sheila and Milton Hyman Foundation
Alexandra Seros
Lindsie Carlsen
Joanne Leslie
Rex Moser
Sarah Spitz
Paul Michels
Myron Meisel
David Burton
Erin Vincent
David Tillman
Emyr Gravell
Lisa Robinson
Carol Wise
Geraldine Fuentes
Steve Diskin
Ricky Lee Grove
Gustav Vintas
Marlene Larson
Roger Director
Rosa & Lawrence Goldstein
Joan Cashell & Daniel Pyne
Ravi Narasimhan
David Burton
Chris Keledjian
Claydene Gray
Berta Finkelstein and Bill Claiborn
John Langer
David E. Frank
Paul Rubenstein & Cristina Markarian
James Freed
Michael Shore
Jaime Arze
Samuel Goldstein & Elizabeth Oakes
Michel Intriere
Strawn Bovee
Arthur Williamson
Barbara Kallir

Not to Late to Give!

If you would like to join all those above in continuing to make the work we do possible, it’s not too late. Follow this link and donate today!

Merci, and see you at City Garage!

Frederique & Archie & Charles