We’re so sorry you can’t join us.

But please help us meet our goal for this fall’s fundraising effort of $50,000. Box office and grants make up only part of our annual operating budget and we depend on our individual donors to make the difference. Your generous gift also comes with many benefits, such as City Garage passports, attendance at opening night galas, City Garage books and more. Please see our support page for all the details.

[contact-form-7 id=”2297″ title=”Gala_no” html_class=”galaform”]

The form above should automatically direct you to Paypal to complete payment.

Or mail your check to:

City Garage
2525 Michigan Ave. T1
Santa Monica, Ca. 90404

You will receive an automatic email confirming your donation upon receipt of your payment.

City Garage is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Thank You!

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