Playwriting Workshops
Start, develop, and finish your play under strong dramaturgical guidance from award-winning playwright and Producing Director of City Garage, Charles A. Duncombe. Each week writers read, hear, and discuss their work, get feedback, direction, notes, exercises, and objectives to keep them on task in the next phase of their process. Limited numbers; select admission; personalized attention. Fee includes one private, on one-on-one individual consultation session per month. Three times a year, writers are chosen to have their work read by actors in front of an invited audience.
Sessions: Mondays, 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Fees: $200/month
Admission: By interview and 10-page writing sample
Your words on the page are not the same as when you hear them come alive. Bring your work to one of the most critically-esteemed small theatres in Los Angeles, City Garage. Interact, learn from others, and benefit from an open, on-going process to help get you to a finished piece.
Ongoing enrollment. Applications accepted monthly. Call 310.453.9939 or email to submit writing sample and schedule an interview.
Private, individual dramaturgical consultations available on hourly basis. Call for rates and further information.