"Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it" – Bertolt Brecht
—Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA
—StageScene LA
—Amanda Andrei, Stage Raw
—Zahir Blue, Night Tinted Glasses
—Steven Stanley, StageSceneLA
—David MacDowell Blue, The World Through Night-Tinted Glasses
—Stage Raw
—Don Shirley, Angeles Stage
—Philip Brandes, Los Angeles Times
—Anthony Byrnes, “Opening The Curtain” KCRW
—Ilana Lifshitz
—Will Manus, Total Theater
—Margaret Grey, The Los Angeles Times
Andrew Loviska
Claire Pida, Bo Roberts, and Buddy Brown in Moliere’s “School For Wives”
—Neal Weaver, Stage RAW
Kimshelley Lessard
—Paul Birchall, Stage RAW
Andrew Loviska, Johanny Paulino
Yukiko Hadena, David E. Frank, Megan Kim
—Gray Palmer, Stage RAW
Lindsay Plake, Alexa Yeames
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